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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Well, we left town on July 30th for a 9 day trip. Prior to this, we were waiting for our caseworker to approve the draft dossier. Approval wasn't happening, and I had resigned myself to waiting until after vacation to send off the dossier. We planned to leave shortly after I got off work on Thursday. THEN - right BEFORE work, I received approval and this nice note from Michael, our caseworker: "That's excellent work, thank you for such a nice dossier. Very easy to review!" So I called Kerry in a near panic - and asked if she thought I should scramble, or wait a week. She said "Scramble!" So I lined up my wonderful neighbor Heather to watch for the last dossier document to be sent to our house. When she received it, she handed it off to Kerry and then Kerry carefully packaged up the now complete dossier and shipped it off to DC for authentication! In Kerry's words, "Your baby is in the mail!"

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