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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Court date set!!

Our court date has been set for October 26th!! We received this notice from our case manager this morning: "You will be among the first families to “test” the new system for this year …. So let’s pray that things will be flowing more smoothly after all the trainings conducted over the past months. Because (AJ) does have a living parent, his mother will be required to travel to Addis and appear before the judge in Federal court to give her final consent to his adoption. This can be a daunting trip .. so I would also encourage you to pray for her as she travels. If for some reason she is not able to appear, the hearing will be postponed. Even though the Ministry of Women’s Affairs sends their recommendation to the court, the judge still has the ability to ask for further information if he determines there is a need for it. Last year we averaged about a 50% success rate on the first attempt – so, while we hope to improve those statistics this year with better training on the part of social workers at the orphanages, it is not unusual for a case to be postponed while additional information is gathered." Please be praying for AJ's mom and that everything would unfold according to God's timing!!

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