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Thursday, January 14, 2010

On the town and at home with Sebsebe

Sebsebe's two daughters attend MSU Bozeman. We met them through the Wohlfeils, whose daughter also attends MSU. The girls assured us that we should call their dad since we would be in their hometown of Addis Ababa. Sebsebe graciously takes us out for an amazing authentic Ethiopian dinner complete with kitfo with kocho, injera with dorowat and tej.

Later in the week, Sebsebe invites us to his house for dinner where we meet his wife and son. His wife made all the food herself!! It is so delicious!


  1. What a privilege; to share a meal with a local family! I'm off to Google your description of the meal... I have NO idea what you actually ate!

  2. Got it now... Raw hamburger, a chicken dish, and honey wine! (couldn't find "kocho"- you'll have to fill me in later...)


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