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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's in a name?

We have debated the subject of AJ's name for some time. His given name is Asrat. Well, THAT doesn't translate well! At the guest home one of the men asks me if I know what "Asrat" means. In my head I say "a scurrying rodent?" Outloud I admit, "I have no idea." He ponders for a moment how to explain. "You give one-tenth of your income to the church?" I gasp, "TITHE? 'Asrat' means TITHE?" He laughs at my reaction, "Yes, yes! Tithe!" Well, maybe we can make room for the name after all. While waiting for our embassy appointment it occurs to me that we should name him
Andrew Joseph Asrat Ulrichs.
Andrew- after David Andrew, his daddy.
Joseph - of the Bible who prospered and was faithful to God though he was torn from his homeland at a young age.
Asrat - which means "tithe, a gift to be used in the service of God."


  1. Who'd have guessed?! Beautiful way to arrive at a name your child!

  2. I love this post! I don't have such a lovely story, but I did give both of my kids a string of names to incorporate their Ethiopian given names...
    Josiah John Naol Salas
    Naomi Grace Firaol Salas
    Keep us posted on what you decide!!!


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