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Saturday, March 6, 2010


AJ has enough English now to tell us bits of what went on before....before his mom took him to the orphanage at Soddo. He lived in a house with a dirt floor. He shared a bed with his 3 year old half-sister, Enot, and the chickens were kept in their room at night. The chickens pooped all over the place. He ate potatoes. He lived with his mom and "dad." This dad was not his bio dad because we know that dad died in '07. This new dad had a white truck that he would work on. He loved this dad. One day his dad got in his truck and left and did not come back. Just tonight AJ said that "before.." people would die. Someone would put the person in a box and the box would go "down down" into the ground. He says all this very matter-of-factly. Please pray for us as we help him process all he has been through.


  1. Oh how familiar these stories are to me! I will pray for AJ and for you, his precious momma, that God will give you just the right words to say that will bring comfort and stability to his heart.

  2. Jen,
    You have a fantastic family! Beautiful! Good job keeping them all together! You are as gorgeous as ever!
    Looking forward to bringing more friends for AJ to Billings!
    Joe and Lisa


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