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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kyle meets AJ

A team from our church is over in Addis right now. Kyle, one of our pastors, met AJ today. The lucky!! Here is the quote from his blog:

"After touring both childrens homes we headed over to CWA's office to talk about adoptions and how our paperwork was doing for the Harvest families that are in the process of adopting, it was there that we found the info on a future neighbor and soon to be resident of Billings, MT; his name was Asrat. After realizing that he was at the boys home, the one we just visited we quickly made a U-turn and went to find him for a more personal and meaningful greeting. As soon as we entered the gate we received the same warm welcome as before, several young boys ran up to us arms wide open desperately seeking a touch or any form of affection, what else would you expect from the fatherless. We asked the attendant were Asrat was and she informed us that she would get him, moments later a beautiful, bright eyed 6 year old boy popped his head out from the door immediately my heart leapt, it was as if i knew him. I didn't know what to do next so I just waved him to come and he came running with a look of confusion and joy on his face, then Haddush, the CWA coordinator began to tell him that we knew his future parents, as the words sank in you could see Asrats face change from confusion to excitement, he then turned to us and gave each of us a big hug and a very energetic high five, it was awesome! The best part is, he was wearing a cowboy shirt with mountains and horses on it, Asrat will be a great addition to the harvest family and to Montana."

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