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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Chicken Pox / Chicken Coop


So, it seems that our family has come down with the chicken pox. Well, Dave and I have it, and so do Emma and Evan. Dave and I had chicken pox as kids, and I had a round of it in '07 along with Hannah and Evan. All 4 kids have been vaccinated. Yet here we are. There is much speculation about whether it is REALLY chicken pox. The doctor thinks so and the pox look and act exactly like chicken pox. No, we haven't all had fevers. And we can't be 100% sure. But the end result is that we are staying home, all of us, together, which is really quite nice. No racing about, just staying home. I'm rather enjoying it!

Dave and Evan are taking advantage of the clear schedule to build the chicken coop!

Day 1

Day 2

The little chicks are looking more and more like little chickens! They each have a unique personality and we could watch them endlessly.

Winnie is huge and we are certain he is a rooster. Sunny D is smaller, but he kind of acts roosterish. Since Hannah picked him out, she will argue vehemently that "he" is a "she." But boy or girl, Sunny has these crazy cheek feathers that stick straight out, so you can't help but crack up if he/she looks at you head-on...

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